Author: Manindra Simhadri
Captcha Plugin Installs Backdoor in 3 Lakh wordpress websites
WordPress is the most using Content Management System in the world. 75% of the web is made up of wordpress. One of the reason for its huge success is the support of plugins which takes simple wordpress website to complex web application. Recently Captcha plugin got removed from their wordpress repository for its backdoor fraud.…
Everything you need to know about Block Chain Technology
In this glorious 2017 everyone is talking about bitcoins, digital currency, crypto-currency, block chain and many more things and these are some of the terms that are one of the more searched in the internet. Without due let’s jump into the topic What is Block Chain? Block chain is a distributed de-centralized system. Just understand…
Windows 10 Anniversary update has keylogger, let’s hackers steal all your passwords
If you have windows 10 anniversary update installed on your PC i.e version 1607 then there might be possibility that your computer has pre-installed password manager and hackers can steal all your credentials remotely. In anniversary update Microsoft added a new feature called Content Delivery Manager which installs suggested apps in stealth mode without any…