Tag: Vulnerability
Brief Encyclopedia of CVSS
We have seen that there is a lot of noise going around CVSS as FIRST has launched version 4.0 and in this article, I would like to discuss what is CVSS and how it evolved. What is CVSS CVSS stands for Common Vulnerability Scoring System. NIAC unveiled it on 23 February 2005. The purpose of…
CVSS Infographic
CVSS is the scoring system managed and launched by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams(FIRST) but started by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Here is the infographic that explains the journey of CVSS from birth to what it is today. I am going to write a detailed guide on how versions changed…
Quick checklist while you are developing any application for DevSecOps
DevOps is the thing that every organization is looking up to from the last half-decade and almost all tech giants are following that even there are startups which made millions providing solutions on DevOps but then what’s next? What’s next big thing after DevOps and then it comes DevSecOps. What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps is nothing…
How OWASP Top 10 Will Protect Web Application
When you look in the requirements of any information security analyst OWASP top ten will be there for sure. Firm knowledge on OWASP top 10 OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Project. This is a non-profit organization with the mission to make web securely visible. Web is made to be available not secure so…
What is Exploit? Everything ethical hacker needs to know about
If you are some guy that’s working in IT or the one who is interested in programming or information security, you might be hearing this exploit word hell lot of times and in this for the last time let’s clear it like the way never. By the end of this article you will understand what…
Windows 10 Anniversary update has keylogger, let’s hackers steal all your passwords
If you have windows 10 anniversary update installed on your PC i.e version 1607 then there might be possibility that your computer has pre-installed password manager and hackers can steal all your credentials remotely. In anniversary update Microsoft added a new feature called Content Delivery Manager which installs suggested apps in stealth mode without any…